Has your baby gone from waking up 1-2 times each night to staying up all night?

Unlock the ​Secret​ To Solving Frequent Night Wakings and Short Naps during the 4-Month Regression

Tired of being tired?  We thought so.  We help babies sleep, and it's not too late to start!

Unlock the ​Secret​ To Solving Frequent Night Wakings and Short Naps during the 4-Month Regression

Tired of being tired?  We thought so.  We help babies sleep, and it's not too late to start!

Sweet Mama: If the 4-month sleep regression hasn’t ruined your life already… GIVE IT TIME.

Every full- term healthy baby undergoes a developmental sleep regression  at roughly 4 months old. 

Wait, a sleep regression? Yep -- a fancy word for your baby switching to the graveyard shift, and the worst one in the first year of life

Your baby’s sleep patterns will begin to shift, and they wake up often during the night, and they have a hard time going back to sleep.

This may not sound so bad......except that as long as your baby is awake, so are you.  And ain't nobody got time for that.

Don't just cross your fingers and pray the next night will be better, do something about it today!

Sweet Mama: If the 4-month sleep regression hasn’t ruined your life already… GIVE IT TIME.

Every full- term healthy baby undergoes a developmental sleep regression  at roughly 4 months old. 

Wait, a sleep regression? Yep -- a fancy word for your baby switching to the graveyard shift, and the worst one in the first year of life

Your baby’s sleep patterns will begin to shift, and they wake up often during the night, and they have a hard time going back to sleep.

This may not sound so bad......except that as long as your baby is awake, so are you.  And ain't nobody got time for that.

Don't just cross your fingers and pray the next night will be better, do something about it today!

You're up late Googling:

*insert vigorous typing here*

You're up late Googling:

*insert vigorous typing here*
“How can I help my baby self-soothe?”

“My baby only sleeps 1-3 hours at night, how can I get longer sleep stretches?”

“What do I do if my baby cries at night?”

I’m completely lost; where do I even start?”

I have good news and bad news:

The good news is, this is just a developmental stage which means it is NOT your fault, and we can go through this together!

The bad news is, if you don't take the steps now to get on top of your baby's sleep habits, it will continue for months (even years).
I remember having no clue with my first baby, even after reading all the books
 I didn’t understand where to start??

Why is my baby's sleep gotten worse?
Could I move to the crib?
Why are these naps SO short??
Should I feed exactly 2.5 hours after a feed or from the start??  Ugh!

All. the. questions.  And so much conflicting advice.

I have good news and bad news:

The good news is, this is just a developmental stage which means it is NOT your fault, and we can go through this together!

The bad news is, if you don't take the steps now to get on top of your baby's sleep habits, it will continue for months (even years).
I remember having no clue with my first baby, even after reading all the books
 I didn’t understand where to start??

Why is my baby's sleep gotten worse?
Could I move to the crib?
Why are these naps SO short??
Should I feed exactly 2.5 hours after a feed or from the start??  Ugh!

All. the. questions.  And so much conflicting advice.

If you're still unsure if your baby is going through a regression, some of the most common signs

  • Baby waking up 4 - 5 - 6 times a night, even if they’ve slept well in the past
  • You get totally confused about feedings. If they're crying, they must be hungry.....right?
  • Baby won’t won’t nap longer than 20-30 minutes each time
  • Baby’s eyes pop open when you try to put them down for sleep
  • Baby wakes up all night and falls asleep instantly with breast or pacifier
  • Baby refuses to sleep anywhere but the swing/carseat/stroller/on YOU    
  • Having to hold baby for their entire nap b/c they will scream if they are put down

Sound like your baby? I get it.

You’re desperate to fix it, and you’re afraid it’ll get worse.

not to mention that it may or may not come as early as 3 months.

I’ve made it my personal mission to teach you a gentle, hands-on, no cry-it-out sleep plan that works in #reallife. And, I want you to know it’s more than possible, even for your baby.

In my 7 years as a sleep expert (trusted by the big guns like Disney and Dockatot), I’ve seriously heard it all.

Most of the calls I get sound like this:

Let me help you get on the right path!


Hi, I’m Lauren

I was a desperate-new-mom now turned sought-after sleep expert, and I’m here to help you get out of the Mombie Zone, too.

Just like you, after I had my first son, I couldn’t bear the thought of letting my little babe just cry it out. But MAMA needs her sleep, am I right?

I wondered if there could possibly be a gentler way.

So, I dove deep into self-study—and after some tears to my husband that I had tried everything—finally got my son sleeping at least 8 hours by the age of 8 weeks. YES, 8 WEEKS. I felt like a completely different person, like, myself again. You know, like before I had a baby.

I knew I could help more families out there, and after the birth of my 2nd baby, I enrolled in an online sleep consulting school while on my second maternity leave. With my babies only 20 months apart, I became a certified sleep expert, and began this business to not only help my family, but families around the world with a realistic & modern sleep approach I couldn’t find anywhere else.

Hi, I’m Lauren

I was a desperate-new-mom now turned sought-after sleep expert, and I’m here to help you get out of the Mombie Zone, too.

Just like you, after I had my first son, I couldn’t bear the thought of letting my little babe just cry it out. But MOMMA needs her sleep, am I right?

I wondered if there could possibly be a gentler way.

So, I dove deep into self-study—and after some tears to my husband that I had tried everything—finally got my son sleeping at least 8 hours by the age of 8 weeks. YES, 8 WEEKS. I felt like a completely different person, like, myself again. You know, like before I had a baby.

I knew I could help more families out there, and after the birth of my 2nd baby, I enrolled in an online sleep consulting school while on my second maternity leave. With my babies only 20 months apart, I became a certified sleep expert, and began this business to not only help my family, but families around the world with a realistic & modern sleep approach I couldn’t find anywhere else.

What if you could....

  • Put baby down at bedtime and leave the room… without any tears.
  • Go to sleep knowing you won’t wake up until the morning 
  • Have a feed and sleeping schedule that’s flexible without compromising baby’s naps
  • ​Have daily “me” time while your baby naps for 2-4 hours, complete with HOT coffee
  • ​Have the confidence to be able to say “I can’t believe I did it” with dances in the mirror when no one’s around
  • ​Have a step-by-step way to figuring out this whole sleep thing and see it begin to pay off in less than a week (because no one ever told you it would be THIS hard and frustrating)

What if you could....

  • Put baby down at bedtime and leave the room… without any tears.
  • Go to sleep knowing you won’t wake up until the morning 
  • Have a feed and sleeping schedule that’s flexible without compromising baby’s naps
  • ​Have daily “me” time while your baby naps for 2-4 hours, complete with HOT coffee
  • ​Have the confidence to be able to say “I can’t believe I did it” with dances in the mirror when no one’s around
  • ​Have a step-by-step way to figuring out this whole sleep thing and see it begin to pay off in less than a week (because no one ever told you it would be THIS hard and frustrating)


Here's a truth bomb:

 If your baby is over 3 months old, they are ready to sleep 6-8+ hours every night. 

Let that sink in a bit.

Let’s sprinkle some sleep fairy dust on your baby with

The 3-4 Month Regression Course

The “#stressedmom” approved sleep shaping tools for babies 13-22 weeks old, even if they are showing signs of the dreaded regression and prepare them for 6-8hrs of sleep each night


  • My sleep consultant approved secrets to help your baby sleep in longer stretches (no more abrupt wake-ins)
  • Guarantee at least one longer nap for your baby (so that you can get some much needed "me time" during the day)
  • The best feeding habits that prevent your baby from waking up hungry at night
  • ​Train your baby to sleep in the crib, or nursery— for naps AND nighttime, no panic needed
  • Wean from the pacifier in a natural way that doesn’t include ANY tears
  • ​Download the Troubleshooting Checklist and diagnose the exact reason WHY your baby isn’t sleeping at any given time
  • Prepare your baby for sleep training when they are 5-18 month old (so that you can increase your rate of success and minimize crying!)


Lesson 1: Sleep Basics & Must-Haves

Everything you need to get the best rate of sleep success

All my recommendations for your baby from tools and best practices to help your baby go through sleep preparation and training smoothly, even if you’ve never tried this before. At the end of this lesson you’ll have a basic understanding and a checklist of all the products you need to prepare for your baby’s sleep

Lesson 2: Main Focus for 3-4 Months: Nursing + Feeding

How to prioritize and successfully nurse and feed your baby to prevent reverse cycling and increase your consolidated nights. I’ll show you how to implement the Eat-Play-Sleep routine properly so you can ensure better night and nap time schedules. You’ll walk away with a proper action plan to be in charge of your baby’s health.

Lesson 3: Troubleshooting Like A Pro

I’ll give you my checklist and troubleshooting guide to help you identify all the small sleep developmental wins you may or may not have noticed along the way. It’s really important to notice the progress as this helps to boost your confidence and kick out the frustration involved with baby sleep shaping. 

You’ll be able to also follow the troubleshooting guide to easily diagnose what may be off with your baby’s sleep if anything comes up.
And Bonuses...

Printable Checklists

My handy go to printables for tracking your baby’s growth as they progress through the milestones and changes while you implement this training

PDF Guide Training

You also get the entire course in one PDF guide that you can read while you make coffee or run errands when you can’t access audio.
You'll absolutely love it

How to Transition to The Crib

If you’re having trouble implementing the steps needed to get your baby out of your hand and into the crib, then this guide is perfect for you. Plus you get it FREE.


You can test it out and see for yourself

But my baby is not showing signs yet? Maybe they won’t experience all the things you’ve talked about here.

Here’s the thing mama, the regression is a developmental milestone which means you’re almost guaranteed it will happen. Your baby may not be ready to fully sleep train at this age but if you wait, it may bleed over in your baby’s 5th month of life and you’ll end up setting back your sleep progress.

You can test it out and see for yourself

But my baby is not showing signs yet? Maybe they won’t experience all the things you’ve talked about here.

Here’s the thing mama, the regression is a developmental milestone which means you’re almost guaranteed it will happen. Your baby may not be ready to fully sleep train at this age but if you wait, it may bleed over in your baby’s 5th month of life and you’ll end up setting back your sleep progress.

The 3-4 Month Regression Course

  • My sleep consultant approved secrets to help your baby sleep in longer stretches (& limit abrupt wake-ins)
  • Guarantee longer naps for your baby (so that you can get some much needed mama time during the day)
  • The best feeding habits that prevent your baby from waking up hungry at night
  • ​Train your baby to sleep in the crib, or nursery— for naps AND nighttime, no panic needed
  • Wean from the pacifier in a natural way that doesn’t include ANY tears
  • ​Download the Troubleshooting Checklist and diagnose the exact reason WHY your baby isn’t sleeping at any given time
  • Prepare your baby for sleep training when they are 5-18 month old (so that you can increase your rate of success and minimize crying!)

Here’s What Mommies Like You Are Saying

The 3-4M Regression Course is Perfect For You IF:

  • Your baby is currently going through the 4M regression
  • ​You want your baby to learn how to sleep independently but you have no clue where to begin
  • You’ve tried nearly everything… and nothing feels “right”
  • You’ve heard the horror stories of crying-it-out…and you know that’s just not for you
  • ​You know deep in your heart that something has to change

With the 3-4 Month Regression mini course, I’m your head cheerleader.

Your #momlife bestie 



Let's Recap


The sleep foundations you need to succeed, including why those wake windows are SO important to decrease any tears. 


Understand how prioritizing your baby’s nutrition is KEY, with night weaning tricks and dream feed secrets.


The modern sleep-training method that works backwards from nights to naps, using the science behind the sleep, so you can stress less... and sleep more. 


Say goodbye to short naps— you’ll learn how to get those hour long naps, without all the tears in the process. 
  • My sleep consultant approved secrets to help your baby sleep in longer stretches (no more abrupt wake-ins)
  • ​Learn the best feeding habits that prevent your baby from waking up hungry at night
  • ​Guarantee at least one longer napsfor your baby (so that you can get some much needed mevtime during the day)
  • ​Say goodbye to swing naps— you’ll learn how to get naps in the crib, without all the tears in the process. 
  • ​Download the Troubleshooting Checklist and diagnose the exact reason WHY your baby isn’t sleeping at any given time
  • ​Prepare your baby for sleep training when they are 5-18 month old (so that you can increase your rate of success and minimize crying!)
BONUS: Moving to the Crib DIY Guide

BONUS: Safe Sleep Checklist

BONUS: Troubleshooting baby sleep checklist

BONUS: Nap tricks

BONUS: "Real Life" Eat-Play-Sleep Schedules

TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Your Price = $49

Course + Guides

4 Core Curriculum Trainings (Value $1,299)

7 Individual Reference DIY Guides (Value $425)

Printables & Bonuses (value $400)

Unlimited lifetime access to the
Academy Videos & Content (value PRICELESS)


Most Asked Questions


This is a top question I receive about sleep training. While this isn't a formal sleep "training" course, no one enjoys listening to their baby cry, and I can’t guarantee that tears won’t happen-- but we don't let babies cry it out. My goal is for babies to learn to sleep better during the regression, but shed the least amount of tears in the process—in fact, my sleep secrets are designed to minimize overall crying! Babies thrive on routine--change is not something they like-- and they will often vocalize their opinion with the only thing they know...crying!

I will give you a specific plan based on your situation on how to respond I don’t believe it “cry-it-out”, and I want babies to feel emotionally supported throughout the process. Remember I have been in your shoes, and would never recommend anything that I wouldn’t do with my own children. In short, the first few nights can be the toughest, but within a week (if not sooner!), families will begin to see the light! If your baby is still experiencing major upset—you may be missing a crucial piece to your sleep plan, and I’m here to help; just reach out!


Sleep “shaping” is a term we developed after ditching outdated sleep training methods that leave baby alone in the room at bedtime to “figure it out” on their own, which usually results in hours of crying and waking up before 6am. Instead, we focus on shaping habits by working on specific areas one at a time, using the science behind the sleep, to accurately time put downs, respond to night wakings, and develop 1+ hour naps. Sleep shaping also keeps a child’s emotional well-being in mind, so that baby doesn’t feel abandoned, scared, or hungry when they wake up at night. We work to support baby along the way, and offer multiple solutions to family sleeping situations.

I think I'm ready to move baby to the crib;  will this mini class help me?

Absolutely!  If your baby is currently dependent on nursing, rocking, bouncing, or sleeping in a completely different area for naps (swing, stroller, carseat, Snoo, etc.), I will walk you through the exact steps to take to gently and gracefully introduce the idea of the crib to guarantee at least one big nap per day during the regression.


We recommend FIRST checking with your doctor to see how long he/she believes your baby can go at night without a feed, so you feel confident when you begin. Lauren also specializes in pediatric nutrition, and will give you options within the course to keep 1-2 feeds at night if you wish, while sleep shaping at the same time (yep—it can be done!)


This mini class is not designed to give your child a "formal sleep training" method due to their age and inability to self-soothe easily on their own.  We will however cover the sleep essentials that you need to begin during this period of your child's infancy to set them up for sleep training success should they need it after the regression passes.


Within the course you'll find a "Wins" checklist that you can use while applying the tricks and sleep secrets you've learned.  Results can range from babies finally taking one big nap, weaning unnecessary night feeds, to dropping the pacifier, to sleeping through the entire night (and not requiring any formal sleep training thereafter).


YES! Nutrition, health, and emotion well-being (for both Mom and baby) are top priorities with this mini class.  You'll learn how to introduce a bottle to baby, the exact steps to take to start Eat-Play-Sleep (feeding AFTER the nap instead of before), and the ideal times to feed baby during the 3rd and 4th month of life.


We recommend waiting until baby is at least 3 months old (adjusted age) to begin.
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